JAJUK dibuat bagi pengguna yang mahir dengan beberapa fitur yang powerful. selain itu tampilan dari software tersebut dapat dikatakan easy to use.
Berikut ini adalah fitur dari JAJUK music player :
- Digital DJ: Let Jajuk make your playlist based on your own rules
- Ambience management: ask for a soft playlist in two clicks maximum!
- Advanced rating system : banning system, clever rating based both on user preference (set in one click) and automatic analysis (see Rating system for more).
- Configurable cross-fade
- Find duplicate tracks: inbuilt feature to find duplicate tracks across your audio collection
- Alarm clock: start/stop Jajuk at a preset time
- Prepare Party: allows to quickly copy a selection of tracks to an external device
- File management: cut/copy/past/rename; create/delete files/directory in the files perspective from within Jajuk
- Recursive play/repeat/shuffle/push in directories/sub-directories or by genre/artist/albums…
- “Shuffle” smart function to play shuffled selection, track by track, inside an album or album by album
- “Best Of” smart function to play your favourite tracks
- “Novelties” smart function to play your collection newest albums
- “Finish album” smart function to finish current album even in the middle of a shuffled playlist
- Push into player queue
- Planned tracks: foresee your selection
- Various startup modes: none, last one, last one keep position, specified, shuffle, novelties, bestof
- Intro from a track position and specified length
- Repeat / Repeat all, shuffle, intro, fast forward/rewind, mute, karaoke etc.
Tabel 1. Format Audio [sumber : http://www.jajuk.info] |
catatan : untuk menjalankan aplikasi ini, anda perlu meng-install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 atau versi sebelumnya. Untuk donwload silahkan klik di sini.
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